It is through the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that we have forgiveness of our sins, life, and salvation. We believe that Jesus will return to take all believers with him to Heaven. This is most certainly true.

First Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod (LCMS). Traditional worship services are offered every Sunday with occasional special services. Our Church offers a Christian based education through the Belvoir Christian Academy (BCA). The Church camp allows members a relaxing Sunday afternoon along Possum Creek. 

Welcome! We invite you to attend one of our in-person or livestream services.

The Members of First Lutheran are friendly and welcoming to guests. The order of worship is printed in the hymnals found in the pews. The service bulletin, located on the table in the lobby, lists the page number for the order of worship and hymns. Please fill out the connection card inside the bulletin so we can learn more about you and place it in the offering plate.

If you desire the Lord’s Supper, please speak with the Pastor or one of the Ushers before service.

Please speak with an Usher, Elder, or Pastor to learn more about First Lutheran. 

Upcoming Events



  • 8:30 AM – We worship using traditional liturgy and hymn. 
  • 11:00 AM - We worship using traditional liturgy and hymn. 

Holy Communion is celebrated during each service except for the 9:30 Matins Service, which is the only service on the 5th Sundays. There is no other morning service that day.

The nursery is staffed during the 11:00 AM service and 9:30 AM 5th Sunday Matins Service for anyone in need.


  • 5:00 PM – In June, July and August we offer services at our Church Camp in Soddy Daisy, TN. Come as you are, even right off your boat!

Christian Education

  • Sunday School – 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Sunday Mornings (subject to change)
  • Youth – K-8 meet downstairs in the Christian Ed classrooms. They use Luther’s Small Catechism for Children and other assorted materials.
  • Adult – For the next several weeks the two adult Bible classes have been combined for a study on the Book of Revelation.


  • Wednesdays – At 1:30 p.m. Pastor Pingel, our Pastor Emeritus, offers a study of various topics. Everyone is welcome to attend. This class is suspended now and will resume the first Wednesday in April.
    Special Instruction - Pastor Welmer offers new member classes as needed for those interested in joining the church.

A ministry is all about the giving of ourselves, our time and our individual talents. It’s using our available resources to bless and to help others. Here at First Lutheran Church, we use our ministries not only for that purpose but also to study God's word and to enjoy the fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.